University of Cape Town
UCT High Performance Computing Cluster
Last 72 hours completed jobs for swan queue
2025-01-23 |
Completion time | User | Job ID and name | Account | CPU time | Wall time | MaxRSS | MaxVMem | Tasks | Cores | Nodes | AveRead | AveWrite | Exit code: status |
2025-01-23 14:04:16 | mngmag002 | 2428065 rebuild_restarts | oceanography | 00:04:55 | 00:00:59 | 0.49 GB | 0.78 GB | 1 | 1 | 5 | 2793.17M | 151.91M | COMPLETED |
2025-01-23 14:13:15 | mngmag002 | 2428066 rebuild_ocean | oceanography | 00:26:20 | 00:05:16 | 1.42 GB | 1.68 GB | 1 | 5 | 1 | 11586.55M | 4504.37M | COMPLETED |
2025-01-23 14:35:21 | mngmag002 | 2428069 nemo025 | oceanography | 04:14:00 | 00:02:07 | 81.09 GB | 123.93 GB | 2 | 120 | 3 | 10790.79M | 44.05M | FAILED |
Completion time | User | Job ID and name | Account | CPU time | Wall time | MaxRSS | MaxVMem | Tasks | Cores | Nodes | AveRead | AveWrite | Exit code: status |
305 Jobs: Total CPU time: 0 hours (0 days) Total Wall time: 0 hours (0 days)