University of Cape Town
UCT High Performance Computing Cluster

Last 72 hours completed jobs for a100 queue

1397 Jobs: Total CPU time: 40 hours (1 days)       Total Wall time: 495 hours (20 days)

Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status
2024-09-09 00:10:17 chktap011 2352014 bash a100free 23:45:12 11:52:36 3.67 GB 30.61 GB 2 2 1 2075.51M 3281.87M FAILED
2024-09-09 00:14:04 chktap011 2352556 bash a100free 00:00:00 00:00:00 0 GB 0 GB 1 2 CANCELLED by 2506
2024-09-09 07:31:01 chktap011 2352557 bash a100free 00:00:00 00:00:00 0 GB 0 GB 1 1 CANCELLED by 2506
2024-09-09 07:58:06 chktap011 2352592 bash a100free 00:00:00 00:00:00 0 GB 0 GB 1 2 CANCELLED by 2506
2024-09-09 09:38:47 lngchr014 2351751 EarthGen a100free 2-00:00:19 2-00:00:19 1.34 GB 19.36 GB 1 1 1 489014.91M 11543.79M TIMEOUT
2024-09-09 11:02:10 ntnlek001 2352597 tcn_train_Hum acsl 02:46:18 01:23:09 5.58 GB 113.73 GB 1 2 1 101.01M 97.24M COMPLETED
2024-09-09 13:40:04 lngchr014 2351879 EarthGen a100free 1-17:21:55 1-17:21:55 1.34 GB 19.36 GB 1 1 1 479949.54M 11546.05M COMPLETED
2024-09-09 14:21:53 ntnlek001 2351887 esg_train acsl 3-09:40:42 1-16:50:21 19.19 GB 47.41 GB 1 2 1 1193.06M 21218.44M COMPLETED
2024-09-09 18:44:25 chktap011 2352782 bash a100free 00:00:00 00:00:00 0 GB 0 GB 1 2 CANCELLED by 2506
2024-09-09 18:54:15 chktap011 2352783 bash a100free 00:00:00 00:00:00 0 GB 0 GB 1 1 CANCELLED by 2506
2024-09-09 21:41:29 myrfra008 2352797 preprocess nlpgroup 00:03:56 00:00:59 0.23 GB 4.26 GB 1 1 4 25.65M 0.17M COMPLETED
2024-09-09 21:41:39 myrfra008 2352798 preprocess nlpgroup 00:03:24 00:00:51 2.03 GB 9.16 GB 1 1 4 241.06M 0.17M COMPLETED
2024-09-09 21:42:03 myrfra008 2352799 preprocess nlpgroup 00:02:16 00:00:34 1.89 GB 9.56 GB 1 1 4 383.09M 0.17M COMPLETED
2024-09-09 21:42:03 myrfra008 2352800 preprocess nlpgroup 00:01:36 00:00:24 0 GB 0 GB 1 1 4 COMPLETED
Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status
2024-09-10 00:10:23 dznbre001 2352049 nmod_1 a100free 1-00:00:06 1-00:00:06 6.05 GB 135.03 GB 1 1 1 75.97M 5453.56M TIMEOUT
2024-09-10 03:51:35 chktap011 2352811 bash a100free 00:00:00 00:00:00 0 GB 0 GB 1 1 CANCELLED by 2506
2024-09-10 06:05:46 chktap011 2352820 bash a100free 00:00:00 00:00:00 0 GB 0 GB 1 1 CANCELLED by 2506
2024-09-10 09:52:06 rgxyat001 2352602 neb_O_H2O_prom_fcc a100free 7-23:42:00 23:57:45 89.66 GB 176.83 GB 1 8 1 25.42M 6.42M COMPLETED
2024-09-10 12:27:35 chktap011 2352810 bash a100free 09:56:17 09:56:17 4.31 GB 54.48 GB 1 1 1 109681.20M 8496.94M FAILED
2024-09-10 13:14:15 rgxyat001 2352603 neb_O_H2O_prom_hcp a100free 7-20:33:28 23:34:11 89.43 GB 177.01 GB 1 8 1 25.42M 6.36M COMPLETED
2024-09-10 14:11:25 rgxyat001 2353036 neb_O_H2O_prom_hcp a100free 00:19:48 00:01:39 0.01 GB 10.65 GB 1 12 1 0.34M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-09-10 16:42:47 rchnic009 2349358 run6_GBS_IV_3_6RU vaccine 5-06:27:56 5-06:27:56 0.39 GB 6.43 GB 1 1 1 0.86M 0.00M COMPLETED
Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status
2024-09-11 05:46:46 chktap011 2353194 bash a100free 01:37:23 01:37:23 1.96 GB 20.46 GB 1 1 1 933.45M 9.06M COMPLETED
2024-09-11 09:25:04 myrfra008 2351957 ssmt nlpgroup80 12-00:01:12 3-00:00:18 5.1 GB 44.11 GB 1 4 1 6056.84M 7199.42M TIMEOUT
2024-09-11 10:02:46 myrfra008 2351958 ssmt nlpgroup80 11-17:25:12 2-22:21:18 5.12 GB 41.1 GB 1 4 1 5313.26M 6266.42M CANCELLED by 2145
Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status